


I'm quite new to Aximmetry and UE4 so please be understanding...

I've tried to recreate https://aximmetry.com/learn/tutorials/for-studio-operators/using-led-walls-for-virtual-production/ and couple of things doesn't work. I have really basic setup with 1 flat screen/LED wall, HTC Vive tracking system, 1 camera (Blackmagic Pocket 4K) + 4k capture card.

1. First of all when I connect control data [LEDWallCam_Prev_3-Cam_4-Wall.xcomp] with control data [UE4 scene] I can't move camera, it looks like the tracking is connected to different camera (it works when I connect record data --> control data).

2. I don't know how to change virtual camera lens settings to match real camera lenses. 

3. When out size [LEDWallCam_Prev_3-Cam_4-Wall.xcomp] is connected to out size [UE4 scene] preview is very blurry/low resolution and I can't find how I can control it...

4. In the messages panel there is a constant spamm as you can see on the picture above.

5. Frustum and Fill doesn't seem to work either. Fill has "no output" info all the time and Frustum ignores camera movement.

6. There are other, smaller issues like controling the size/resolution of the frustum/fill, etc. but it is probably connected with problems I mentioned earlier.

Thank You for any help,


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Can anyone help with this Aximmetry comp?

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Hi Aleksander,

1. Control Data should be connected to Control Data. You could check in studio view if you're receiving the correct tracking: https://aximmetry.com/learn/tutorials/for-studio-operators/using-led-walls-for-virtual-production/#studio-free-view If yes, and the Unreal scene's camera still doesn't move, then you might have added a wrong camera in Unreal or didn't move the player start. You should read how setting up Unreal for the tracked camera are, you should do almost the same in your Led Wall Unreal map: https://aximmetry.com/learn/tutorials/for-aximmetry-de-users/how-to-install-and-work-with-the-unreal-engine-based-de-edition/#how-to-create-your-own-projects

2. I am guessing you are using fixed zoom and there is no way to track the Blackmagic Pocket 4K's zoom. In that case, follow the documentation here: https://aximmetry.com/learn/tutorials/for-aximmetry-de-users/experimenting-with-htc-vive-camera-tracking-using-unreal-scene/#calibrating-the-camera-zoom

3. Frustrum might be turned on, this can be the result of many things, like the wrong Unreal Scene setup. You can check the Out size's value by pressing down CTRL on the keyboard and moving your mouse over the pin:

4. You should try first running it in Live Sync mode, then you can read the errors in Unreal too. It's a fast way to debug your Unreal Scene:

5. and 6. yes, these are probably related to the first problems.

Just to add, Led Wall is the most complex thing you can set up with Aximmetry. So don't feel discouraged by all these settings and information. You will get there. And feel free to ask further questions, we are here to help.

Warmest regards,
