Using Get Aximmetry Logical on DE


Hello, im trying using Get Aximmetry Logical to create condition with Branch, then connect Branch to EventBeginPlay. True Condition will play the level sequence with Play Range , anda False too. But it's not work, if i using EventBeginPlay.

In another way, i'm using Event Tick, thats make my level sequence play loop


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Event BeginPlay happens only at the start of the map. Since it happens so early, Aximmetry is not fully connected to Unreal and the blueprint won't receive the values from Get Aximmetry Logical.
You could fix this by putting some waiting before the execution, like this:

But note, this will still happen only once at the start. If you change the pin Speaker ONOFF (Get Aximmetry Logical) in Aximmetry while the project is running, it won't have any effect.

So you probably want to use the Event Tick as it will happen at every frames. But I guess you only want it to take effect when the logical value changed. You could make the following blueprint, where a boolean variable records the logical value and only executes the Event Tick if the boolean value changes:

An alternative way would be to use the Get Aximmetry Trigger and make that to play animations. By using a separate Get Aximmetry Trigger for every animation. More on how to use Get Aximmetry Trigger here:

Warmest regards,
