What is the fastest (lowest latency) way to communicate data from outside to Aximmetry?
For example, if I want to create a "tracker" from a depth camera and pass tracking information to Aximmetry or have other types of real-time data (that are changing fast) and want to control parameters inside Aximmetry what is the most efficient way to do that?
Using JSON files is probably not good for real-time data. Is there a good way to do that?
PS. A general question. Is it better to post questions here from my handle that is linked to the purchased licenses or can I keep using my previous free license account to post questions?
Can you elaborate further on the data you are sending and how are you processing it inside of Aximmetry?
If you can convert your Data to a tracking protocol that is supported by Aximmetry then that would be the ideal Real-Time solution.
No, there is no differentiation between accounts in the forum. You can use whatever account you find suited.