I get an error when trying to install kawaii physics on ue4.27 for aximmetry


I have a question about a third party plugin issue related to an aximmetry update.

In response to the aximmetry update, aximmetry and ue4 have been updated to the next version.

I'm using this to reinstall a third party plugin, but the cute physical installation fails.

     aximmetry: 2021.4.2

unreal engine4: 4.27 for aximmetry

The version I was using before is as follows.

I was able to use kawaii physics in the version below.


aximmetry: 2021.3.1

unreal engine4: 4.26 for aximmetry

It works with the regular version of ue 4.27, so it seems that there is no problem with the plugin itself.

The installation process also follows the method of 4.26, but

The installation of kawaii physics fails with the following error.

I would like advice on how to solve it.

----Below, the output log---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

EditorErrors: New page: Aximmetry Plugin Installer LogAximmetry: Display: Installing plugins... LogAximmetry: Display: Installing KawaiiPhysics... LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: Building UE4GamePlugin... LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: Using Visual Studio 2019 14.29.30140 toolchain (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30133) and Windows 10.0.19041.0 SDK (C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10). LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: Building 4 actions with 16 processes... LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: [1/4] Module.AnimGraphRuntime.cpp LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_4.27/Engine/Source/Runtime/AnimGraphRuntime/Private/RBF/RBFInterpolator.cpp(16): fatal error C1083: include ?t?@?C?????J???܂????B'Eigen/LU':No such file or directory LogAximmetry: Error: Could not build KawaiiPhysics. This plugin will not be installed. (UnrealBuildTool exited with 6.) LogAximmetry: Display: LiveLinkMvnPlugin is already installed. LogAximmetry: Display: RLLiveLink is already installed. LogAximmetry: Display: Plugin installation complete. Some plugins could not be installed. EditorErrors: New page: Aximmetry Plugin Installer


Excuse me for a long sentence.

I am sorry for causing an inconvenience during your busy schedule.

but I would appreciate your help.


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There is a new version of kawaii physics since your post. It directly supports Unreal 4.27.

Download KawaiiPhysics_4_27_20220219.zip at https://github.com/pafuhana1213/KawaiiPhysics/releases/tag/20201202-v1.7.0
And install it like before and it should work.

Warmest regards,

Profile Image

Thank you for your reply.

Immediately, I tried to install the 4.27 version of cute physics.

However, I get an error.

Unlike the last time, it seems that something is being built, but an error occurs after [5/8].

----Below, the output log ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------

EditorErrors: New page: Aximmetry Plugin Installer

LogAximmetry: Display: Installing plugins ...

LogAximmetry: Display: Installing Kawaii Physics ...

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: Parsing headers for UE4GamePlugin

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: Running UnrealHeaderTool UE4GamePlugin "C: \ Program Files \ Epic Games \ UE_4.27 \ Engine \ Intermediate \ Build \ Win64 \ UE4GamePlugin \ Development \ UE4GamePlugin.uhtmanifest" -LogCmds = "loginit warning, logexit warning, logdatabase" error "-Unattended -WarningsAsErrors -abslog =" C: \ Program Files \ Epic Games \ UE_4.27 \ Engine \ Programs \ Unr

ealBuildTool \ Log_UHT.txt "

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: LogInit: Display: Loading text-based GConfig ....

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: Reflection code generated for UE4GamePlugin in 2.1266455 seconds

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: Building UE4GamePlugin ...

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: Using Visual Studio 2019 14.29.30140 toolchain (C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio \ 2019 \ Community \ VC \ Tools \ MSVC \ 14.29.30133) and Windows 10.0.19041.0 SDK (C) : \ Program Files (x86) \ Windows Kits \ 10).

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: Building 8 actions with 16 processes ...

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: [1/8] Default.rc2

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: [2/8] Module.KawaiiPhysics.cpp

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: [3/8] Module.KawaiiPhysics.gen.cpp

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: [4/8] UE4-KawaiiPhysics.lib

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: ??? C? U ???? C: \ Program Files \ Epic Games \ UE_4.27 \ Engine \ Plugins \ Marketplace \ KawaiiPhysics \ Intermediate \ Build \ Win64 \ UE4 \ Development \ KawaiiPhysics \ UE4 -KawaiiPhysics.lib? ƃI? U? W? F? N? G C: \ Program Files \ Epic Games \ UE_4.27 \ Engine \ Plugins \ Marketplace \ KawaiiPhysics \ Intermediate \ Build \ Win64 \ UE4 \ Development \ KawaiiPhysics \ UE4 ---

KawaiiPhysics.exp ??? 쐬 ??

LogSlate: Last resort fallback font was requested. Font:'../../../ Engine/Content/Slate/Fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf', Character:'ƃ (U + 0183)'

LogSlate: Took 0.001208 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font'../../../Engine/Content/SlateDebug/Fonts/LastResort.ttf' (5269K)

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: [5/8] Module.AnimGraphRuntime.cpp

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: C: \ Program Files \ Epic Games \ UE_4.27 \ Engine \ Source \ ThirdParty \ Eigen \ Eigen \ Eigen \ src / Core / util / Memory.h (73): error C4834:'nodiscard' ????????? Š֐ ?? ̖_?? l ??? j ????? Ă ??

LogAximmetry: Error: Could not build KawaiiPhysics. This plugin will not be installed. (UnrealBuildTool exited with 6.)

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------

I have no idea what the problem is, so I would appreciate it if you could advise me again.

Thank you very much.

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We managed to install this plugin without a problem.

It's a bit hard to tell what is going wrong from the "???" in the logs.
Could you switch your windows to English and then install the plugin. This might fix the actual installation problem, if it does not, please copy again the plugin install logs from Unreal.
If switching to English fixes the installation, then you will probably be able to use the plugin and aximmetry in your original windows language without a problem.

Warmest regards,

Profile Image

Thank you for your response.

Switch the Windows language setting to English mode as instructed

I installed Kawaii Physices.

However, the following error occurred.

There was not much change in the contents, and the path to the unknown folder you pointed out was not displayed due to an error.

----Below, the output log ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

LogAximmetry: Display: Installing plugins...

LogAximmetry: Display: Installing KawaiiPhysics...

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: Building UE4GamePlugin...

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: Using Visual Studio 2019 14.29.30141 toolchain (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30133) and Windows 10.0.19041.0 SDK (C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10).

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: Building 4 actions with 16 processes...

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool:   [1/4] Module.AnimGraphRuntime.cpp

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool:   C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.27\Engine\Source\ThirdParty\Eigen\Eigen\Eigen\src/Core/util/Memory.h(73): error C4834: discarding return value of function with 'nodiscard' attribute

LogAximmetry: Error: Could not build KawaiiPhysics. This plugin will not be installed. (UnrealBuildTool exited with 6.)


We apologize for the inconvenience.

If you have any further advice, I would appreciate it if you could let me know.

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There is a similar issue with a different plugin. This is what you could try to do:

Please reply if this fixes it or not.

Warmest regards,

Profile Image
Thank you for your advice.
The installation of Kawaii Physics has been completed successfully.

Thank you for your cooperation!

----Below, the output log ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EditorErrors: New page: Aximmetry Plugin Installer
LogAximmetry: Display: Installing plugins...
LogAximmetry: Display: Installing KawaiiPhysics...
LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: Target is up to date
LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: Total execution time: 10.58 seconds
LogAximmetry: Display: Installed KawaiiPhysics.
LogAximmetry: Display: LiveLinkMvnPlugin is already installed.
LogAximmetry: Display: RLLiveLink is already installed.
LogAximmetry: Display: Plugin installation complete.
EditorErrors: New page: Aximmetry Plugin Installer

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Thank you for the reply. It indeed needs the Eigen updated.
Based on your feedback, we updated our documentation on KawaiiPhysics plugin on the Unreal Plugins page.

Warmest regards,
