I have a question about a third party plugin issue related to an aximmetry update.
In response to the aximmetry update, aximmetry and ue4 have been updated to the next version.
I'm using this to reinstall a third party plugin, but the cute physical installation fails.
aximmetry: 2021.4.2
unreal engine4: 4.27 for aximmetry
The version I was using before is as follows.
I was able to use kawaii physics in the version below.
aximmetry: 2021.3.1
unreal engine4: 4.26 for aximmetry
It works with the regular version of ue 4.27, so it seems that there is no problem with the plugin itself.
The installation process also follows the method of 4.26, but
The installation of kawaii physics fails with the following error.
I would like advice on how to solve it.
----Below, the output log---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EditorErrors: New page: Aximmetry Plugin Installer LogAximmetry: Display: Installing plugins... LogAximmetry: Display: Installing KawaiiPhysics... LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: Building UE4GamePlugin... LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: Using Visual Studio 2019 14.29.30140 toolchain (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30133) and Windows 10.0.19041.0 SDK (C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10). LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: Building 4 actions with 16 processes... LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: [1/4] Module.AnimGraphRuntime.cpp LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_4.27/Engine/Source/Runtime/AnimGraphRuntime/Private/RBF/RBFInterpolator.cpp(16): fatal error C1083: include ?t?@?C?????J???܂????B'Eigen/LU':No such file or directory LogAximmetry: Error: Could not build KawaiiPhysics. This plugin will not be installed. (UnrealBuildTool exited with 6.) LogAximmetry: Display: LiveLinkMvnPlugin is already installed. LogAximmetry: Display: RLLiveLink is already installed. LogAximmetry: Display: Plugin installation complete. Some plugins could not be installed. EditorErrors: New page: Aximmetry Plugin Installer-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Excuse me for a long sentence.
I am sorry for causing an inconvenience during your busy schedule.
but I would appreciate your help.
There is a new version of kawaii physics since your post. It directly supports Unreal 4.27.
Download KawaiiPhysics_4_27_20220219.zip at https://github.com/pafuhana1213/KawaiiPhysics/releases/tag/20201202-v1.7.0
And install it like before and it should work.
Warmest regards,