2 Base stations
1 Vive Controller as Tracker
A cooked scene from unreal.
Billboard Tracking ON.
I am moving 5 meters forward let's say but the virtual camera moves 1 meter hardly. Why this might be.?
any idea anyone.?
2 Base stations
1 Vive Controller as Tracker
A cooked scene from unreal.
Billboard Tracking ON.
I am moving 5 meters forward let's say but the virtual camera moves 1 meter hardly. Why this might be.?
any idea anyone.?
Dear Ahmed,
I'd appreciate if you can help me out I will write step by step what and how I do:
My system: 2 Base Stations - 1 Vive Controller as tracker - NO HMD I use null driver.
My Tracker is positioned on top of my camera.
My scene is cooked in Aximmetry UE. Running in the latest firmware of Aximmetry DE.
I run Steam VR room setup and calibrate as described and when it asks me the height of my tracking device I type 160cm as it is the height of my camera mount. I adjust t as standing not room scale.
Then I run aximmetry and do the basic calibration for origin - forward - right.
At this point A major question is ( my camera is 4 meters away from the center of my green screen. When Calibrating for the first time to define the ORIGIN should I place the tracker in the center of the green..? or is it ok to set the origin as same spot with my camera.? )
+ My Base stations are out of the green area boundaries as you can notice in the photo.. Cos I will travel in that area with the camera. Is this wrong placement as for Base stations.?
we apologize, our HTC Vive guide missed that small update to the compound.
Here is how to connect the pins now:
Everything else is still valid. Please try it again and follow the calibration process step by step as the guide indicates.
Concerning the placement of your base stations, it is fine as it is.
Thank you for guiding me up here. I follow the steps in the guide and I adjust everything as described. But the parallax of the Real object and virtual studio won't match.
Cross Check:
Virtual Marker is perfectly aligned no gliding. Manuel Lens Zoom ratio is ok..!
My studio is cropped with wall-ceiling-ground parameters and in place.
Delay is adjusted.
Problem: 1- I travel 5 steps toward the stage but the virtual stage comes very few amount. I walk-in 3 meters it gets 1 meter closer lets say.
2- Panning also is not perfectly aligned I mean there occurs disorientation between the horizon of my Virtual BG and the real actor.
Any help is much appreciated.
First, you could try to find out if the Vive tracking working correctly or not.
In the Edit->Manage Devices->Open VR, check if the cur position changes by the same amount as the real world distances when you move your camera:
If it does show the correct distances. Then you should try to adjust the Manual Zoom. Place the marker near a real-world object and try to achieve as little gliding as possible when rotating the camera: https://aximmetry.com/learn/tutorials/for-aximmetry-de-users/experimenting-with-htc-vive-camera-tracking-using-unreal-scene/#calibrating-the-camera-zoom
And make sure you don't change the zoom on your real-world camera.
Warmest regards,
Did you follow our tracking guide for the HTC VIVE step by step? These issues are mostly about calibration. If you calibrate it properly then it should work flawlessly.