NDI plugin instead of native


Hi guys!,

I just wanted to ask if there is any possibility to make work NewTek NDI Plugin in UE in Aximmetry. I know that Axi supports natively NDI inputs/outputs, but in our project we have one plane (sort of screen) with material that is connected to remote PC and receiving its NDI signal via NewTek plugin that was rebuild for 4.27. It´s just some videos in loop and it´s behaving like playlist. It will be huge help for us cause right now we have Pro version but if the project will succeed it will be nobrain to management to upgrade on Broadcast edition. 

Any tips?



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Why not just try to install it, following the instructions for installing plug-ins to the Aximmetry UE4 editor carefully?

There is also another version of the NDI plug that might work better than the one from NewTek: 


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This one gives me error while installing in UE for Axi:
"LogAximmetry: Error: Could not build OWLLivestreamingToolkit. This plugin will not be installed. (UnrealBuildTool exited with 6.)" :/

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Are other plug-ins installing correctly? Maybe something isn’t correctly setup in your VS build environment?
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Yeah, everything else works like a charm. Can you try to install it if this error still persist or it´s on my side? 

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Sorry, we use the Broadcast edition, so no need to install it on our end. I think the NDI plug-in have some additional dependencies as well. Did you install the NDI SDK as well?

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Yeah, I´ve installed SDK for NDI as well.

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It is our understanding that said plugin (NDIIOPlugin) does not yet officially support UE 4.27, and as such, we cannot but first wait for them to upgrade and then we can support it.
We hope they publish a 4.27 version soon.

Warmest regards,

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@Eifert: The Offworld NDI plug-in that I linked to definitely supports 4.27. It’s an improved version of the standard NewTek plug-in. 
