Our requirements
We have a black magic pocket 6k pro camera with hdmi output.
Windows 10, with Nvidia 2060 Super Graphics card. 12 core cpu and 32 gig ram
We want to create music videos on a single camera, very small scale setup in a garage with green screen.
What type of card should we purchase for this setup to bring the video into the computer and broadcast out a complete composite to a screen for review
We do not want to broadcast live, just combine the 3d environment with video from a single camera. We want to see this footage live so we can adjust the lighting in real time.
What can we expect for performance? Will it smoothly display the final composited video on the monitor without jitters?
Are there any concerns with the camera or computer we already purchased?
What version of Aximmetry do we need?
Will the trial addition allow us to test our setup first?
Where is the watermark displayed. We may not care since its a small band.
Extra Credit Question: Does Aximmetry have the capability of converting black magic raw riles to ACES CCT or REC 709?
On paper, your setup is good enough. Usually, we recommend higher-end graphics cards such as a 3080 but the 2060 should be enough if the scene is not too demanding and you render in 1080p.
You can get any HDMI capture card that can handle 1080p 60P 10-bit signals and you should be good to go. Unfortunately, that's the highest resolution the HDMI port on the pocket 6K can output. Well, in your case that's good enough because you will render in 1080p anyway.
Here is a guide on how to set up a virtual set.
Since you are going to use a virtual camera with HDMI, even the Studio version should be enough. If you plan on using SDI in the future, then you should get the professional edition. Please visit our products page here for more details about the differences between the various editions.
You can send an email to sales@aximmetry.com for a trial request. The trial request will get you all the features of the corresponding edition you request, however it will display a watermark at the bottom right of the final render.
Finally, Aximmetry doesn't support the BRAW codec yet. You will need to convert them to a supported codec first before importing the files.