is it possible to play videos in sequence in Aximmetry. For example I need to play three videos one after another. is there some template already available in aximmetry. I tried with Switch video module using the trigger option but its not working properly. Sometimes it jumps from first video to third video and so on. Multiple triggers seems to get enabled at the same time.
Any suggestions here ?
Probably one of the videos is already playing when you start one.
I suggest you set Looping off in the video player modules:
And using a flow graph similar to this: (this plays 3 videos one after another in a loop)
When the Copy Trigger Stop All stops the video, it stops all of the videos, so there would be no video secretly playing in the background. Also, it uses the Ended trigger signal to restart the next video.
I don't know of a template that does this in Aximmetry.
Warmest regards,