I have a question about Resolume NDI.


After connecting Resume and UE4 through NDI, I tried to open the UE4 file with the Aximetry UE4 Editor,

but the file continues to occur and does not open.

(The NDI communication between UE4 and Resource went well.)

I wonder if it's because Aximetry UE4 Editor and NDi Plugin only supported up to 4.26 version.



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Does it display any errors when you try to open the file?

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Yes. An error is displayed.
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can you share the error details with us? 

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In UE4, NDI Plugin (NDIIO) was placed in UE4's Plugins folder to control images of virtual LEDs using Resolume.

After that, an error occurs when trying to open a file in the Unreal Editor for Aximetry to cook.

* It works normally on general UE4 other than UE4 Editor for Aximetry.

Additionally, the UE4 project was created in version 4.26.2.

* Error occurs after rebuilding the message window.

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@DongHoonShin: You would normally add NDI source to the UE4 scene through Aximmetry and not through the NDI plug-in in UE4. If you still want to use the NDI plug-in you need to follow the special instructions for installing the plug-in to the Aximmetry UE4 editor. Just copying the plug-in to the Aximmetry UE4 plug-in folder won’t work. That error message tells you that the plug-in isn’t built and installed to the Aximmetry UE4 installation.

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Thank you for your answer.

So, is there an example of how to test the guidelines for using NDI through tutorial or Learn?

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@DongHoonShin: What version of Aximmetry are you using? You need Professional or Broadcast for NDI support. It’s pretty self explanatory, you just add NDI input or output modules in your compound and connect them to the UE4 scene. In UE4 you need to set up receiving the video through blueprints using GetAximmetryVideo.
