OSC control question/issue


I made a MIDI to OSC controller that translates any general USB midi device to OSC on the network on a Pi4. I'm using for example a LIVID DS1 which has buttons sending Midi notes, and faders sending CC commands. 

Buttons: /midi/note and the two float values, Faders: /midi/cc and the two midi values for fader number and fader value like the midi protocol

When I'm learning OSC (or manually) configuring the Aximmetry, the commands arrive and the fader works, but Aximmetry does not distinguish the different MIDI Notes or CC commands as it not detects or uses the number float after the OSC string.

As result, any button or any fader controls the same assigned variable. Aximmetry (I'm using version 2021.4.2. build 20596) is not using all values of the OSC command to distinguish.


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Hi Marc,

I am not exactly sure about the problem.
Are the "/midi/note" and "/midi/cc" the address of the OSC commands, and do you send them together?
If so, you could just send them separately while assigning the OSC in Aximmetry. And then you can send them together. Otherwise, only one of them will be registered, and it does not matter if you are assigning a button or a scalar in Aximmetry.

If "/midi/note" and "/midi/cc" are in the arguments of the OSC, you can use the OSC Method module to separate them.

Also, for the OSC Button to work, you have to send a 1 value: https://aximmetry.com/learn/tutorials/control-methods/using-the-osc-protocol/#controlling-module-properties-and-control-board-buttons

Warmest regards,

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@Eifert: According to the documentation you linked it’s necessary to send first a “1” and then a “0” (push/release) but the update notes for the latest version says you just have to send a “1”. Are there still situations where you need to send both?

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There is no situation where you would need both. Everything should work with only sending 1, where previously you needed to send 1 and 0.
The documentation will be also updated soon.

Warmest regards,

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I modified the OSC commands so that the Midi Note and Fader numbers are within the first OSC string like /OSCmidi/Note1/ and the value above 0. Now it works fine. Thanks for the suggestions.
