Motion blur with TrackedCam compound


Are there any ways to use motion blur with TrackedCam compound?

It would help to add realistic look!



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Can’t you just enable motion blur in the post processing volume? I don’t think it’s turned off by default?

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We suggest turning off Motion Blur in our documentation: 
You can reenable it in Unreal Editor:  Edit / Project Settings / Engine / Rendering / Default Settings - Motion Blur = ticked

Sadly, Unreal allows very limited control over Motion Blur.
You can control it by adding PostProcessVolume(s) and changing Rendering Features - Motion Blur in the PostProcessVolume.Note that PostProcessVolumes are applied when a camera is inside the volume's areas.
In theory, you could make a PostProcessVolume for the whole map and control its values from a blueprint. The
blueprint could get its values from Aximmetry.

Warmest regards,

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@Eifert: What is the reason for recommending turning it off? Motion blur is essential for natural camera motion, especially at 25p or 30p.

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Motion blur is not a commonly used feature in Broadcast environments. There are also people who get motion sick from effects like this.
And when using Aximmetry for the first time, it might confuse the new user as to why the output video gets blurry.

Warmest regards,

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@Eifert: Sorry, but that’s just not accurate information. Real cameras have motion blur and to get photorealistic results it needs to be emulated with virtual cameras as well. Motion sickness might be an issue when playing first person shooters, but it’s definitely not an issue with typical camera motion. In that case we would all get motion sickness from going to the movies or watching TV.

I think these kind of advice will confuse new users more than anything, since disabling motion blur will lead to juddery, non-smooth motion. 

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Yeah i definitely agree that at least the wording on the documentation is a bit weird in regards to motion blur.

Right now it gives the impression that in order for Aximmetry to accurately work you need to turn off motion blur

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In reflection of this discussion, we updated the documentation.
Thank you for the detailed explanation of this. And for making Aximmetry more clear for future users.

Warmest regards,
