Are the demo scenes editable?


If I want to modify the demo scene ("News room"), could I open it in your Unreal-Axymmetry version, customize it: add or change assets, then cook it and re-open it in Aximmetry? If yes, where is it and how to?

Help documentation and tutorials should be improved. It’s very hard to understand step by step. There’s a lack of simple examples from demo scenes.



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Those demo scenes are rendered with the internal Aximmetry 3D engine, not UE4. Naturally they can’t be opened and edited on UE4. There are some fairly detailed tutorials on the Aximmetry YouTube channel on working with their 3D engine. 

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Thanks @twentyStudio, does it means I can modify any mesh I want for example inside the News Room scene directly in Aximmetry? I’ve seen some objects are editable (desks) or texts. So I could add any external .obj asset to the scene and use the transform tool to place them where I want?

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Hello Ferlaur,

Here is a playlist with a lot of videos on working with the Aximmetry Engine. 

What you mentioned is doable.
