Virtual camera issue 2021.4.1 - urgent


After this release, with all libraies renewed, I've an important issue in virtual camera:

the billboard doesn't go behind object if I don't use allow virtual, that is a big bug because I can't use this method if I use dlss due to ghosting. Have you already solved this issue in 4.2 or do you have a quick way to resolve?

I don't want to adjust a lot of things for nothing like last week with 4.1 due to tracking issue because I've a production in some days.

please give me fast reply



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With a fresh unreal project and aximmetry camera, after level migration, I resolve 3d issue BUT with Allow Virtual OFF there is persistent issue with Niagara particles (ex. pyros) in front of billboard, it doesn't go behind theme.

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It should be working correctly in 4.1 and 4.2.

Which camera compound are you using and did you edit the Camera compound?

This might give you some clues on what is happing or what is going wrong:
The B Mask output pin from the Unreal project shows the mask used by the Aximmetry Camera to mask out the billboard (if no AllowVirtuals is used):

Warmest regards,

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thanks for your reply,

the problem it seems to be the mask of the particles in niagara. I can see only the smoke of the pyros but not the flares in the mask view. Is it a problem of niagara or unreal for aximmetry? there is a solution?

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Sadly, the problem is that those particles are Additive.
You could change the particle's material's Blend Mode from Additive to Translucent:

But, it will drastically change how those fireworks look. (as the fireworks very hot white parts are coming from the particles being added together)
It might be easier to counter the DLSS ghosting.

Warmest regards,

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Hi again,

If your particle system is somewhat flat, one possible workaround is to double the particle system. And put the copied version of the particle system a bit behind the original one while changing the copied particle system material to opaque. This way, the original Additive particles can be added together and rendered onto the copied particle system's surface. This will have some of its own problems like increased hardware usage but seems to be a workable solution in your case as that fireworks look flat.

For example:
Open the Niagara particle system, by double-clicking on it:

Copy the particle system emitter:

Duplicate the material being used by the emitter and set the duplicate as the material being used by the copied emitter:

Also, set the duplicate material to Opaque:

(you might want it to be transcalent if your particle system is not really opaque)

Offset the copied emitter's particle spawn:

(or if your particle system is not flat, make it flat by locking them to a Z position and locking the copied particle system to a bit smaller Z position)


Warmest regards,
