Cannot load xxx.uproject. Unreal projects can only be loaded in Aximmetry DE.


Hi, I uploaded a new version of aximmetry and I can't open any project even if I cook it again. Does anyone have any idea what is wrong? I get  this massage "Cannot load xxx.uproject. Unreal projects can only be loaded in Aximmetry DE"


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Please make sure Unreal for Aximmetry is installed.
When installing a new version and you don't have the correct Unreal for Aximmetry installed, this dialog should appear, and you should choose the yes option:

Warmest regards,

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Having similar issue after updating, normally download both seperately and install one then the other, will try with the Yes and report back but 2 yesterday projects failed to load after cooking

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After closing everything and doing a Reinstall of just the Aximmetry software, things worked fine then, for me anyway

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哦   我也遇到着这种情况,愿你好运,最真挚的问候,来自中国的兄弟。