Perception Neuron Livelink to Axymmetry

I have successfully tried to run Neuron Livelink from Axis Studio to UE4.27. But the main plan is to run Neuron Livelink to Aximmetry DE since it's my company's broadcast platform, The Character runs when I use UE-Axymmetry Livesync but when I try to cook my UE scene and open it in Aximmetry the signal is broken and the character locks on default pose with no signal running. We're not that UE-Blueprint savvy but I think there might be a way to do this like how Rokoko did in this link: 
Looking forward to some enlightening info.


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To enable Neuron Livelink in Cooked mode, please follow this documentation from Neuron:

Here is in cooked mode:

Warmest regards,

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Hello, can you show your specific operation? I would like to know how can you ranning Neuron Livelink from Axis Studio to UE4.27. I always get errors when I try to install 3rd party plugins.

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Hi Yehuili,

First, make sure you have these prerequisites installed:

And then open Epic Game Launcher:

Select Marketplace of Unreal Engine and find your plugin and Install to Engine:

Then launch Unreal Editor for Aximmetry:

Select Aximmetry->Install Plugins:
The Output Log should send logs about the plugin(s) being installed.

Warmest regards,

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Thanks for your answer, I have successfully achieved it before this. The cause is an error in the engine installation path. I currently want to know about the use of iclone7 in axismetry-ue4.27, can I bake projects and use real-time motion capture data from iclone7? Similar to using live link face to catch data in baked mode.
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If you are doing this as post-production, then you can export your animation as an FBX in iClone and use that in cooked mode.
If you want to receive real-time motion in cooked mode, it seems that is also possible with iClone. If it doesn't work, you could also ask about it on their forum:

Warmest regards,

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Hi all. I'll use this topic to ask:
We think to bay  Perception Neuron 3 with gloves. - ( 
On the latest version 2022.3.0 on Asymmetry DE Broadcast I need to use the same BP technique(describes on top) on cooked project to be able to have live animations talent into scenes ? 
Did some one have this already this kid to work with Asymmetry DE Broadcast to be connect - if i have some problem to set up.
Best Regards



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Hi Charlie,

Yes, you will have to use the same technique described here: to use the project in cooked mode with live animations.

Note, if you already got the gloves and used them in practice, you can share your experiences here, even though there was nobody who replied to you in the same manner. We are always glad to hear about how different technologies work in combination with Aximmetry. And you may help others who want to use the same hardware.

Warmest regards,

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could you please tell me how to do this?"I would like to know how can you ranning Neuron Livelink from Axis Studio to UE4.27. I always get errors when I try to install 3rd party plugins.",I try everything,but it not work anyway!

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Hi Wuwnstudio,

Please follow closely the 2nd comment by me in this post thread.

If you still run into error when installing 3rd party plugins, can you copy paste the error here or the screenshot of it?

Warmest regards,

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日志轴测度:显示:虚幻构建工具:使用可视化工作室 2019 14.29.30146 工具链(C:\程序文件 (x86)\微软可视化工作室\2019\社区\VC\工具\MSVC\14.29.30133)和 Windows 10.0.19041.0 SDK(C:\程序文件 (x86)\Windows 工具包\10)。


日志轴测距: 显示: 虚幻构建工具: [1/4] 模块.动画图运行时.cpp

日志轴测距: 显示: 虚幻构建工具: D:/虚幻引擎/UE_4.27/引擎/源/运行时/动画图运行时/私有/RBF/RBF 交互.cpp(16):致命错误 C1083:?޷??򿪰????ļ?: ??特征/LU??:没有这样的文件或目录

日志列表:请求了最后的手段回退字体。字体: '../../../引擎/内容/板岩/字体/机器人三星.ttf“,字符:”޷ (U+07b7)”

日志列表:花了0.001816秒同步加载延迟加载的字体'../../../引擎/内容/石板显示/字体/最后排序.ttf' (5269K)




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Dear Xuanwozhiran1, thank you for posting to our Forum. Please note that this is the English Forum; for Chinese communication, please head over to our Chinese Forum.



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Hi on the same topic.
I have a problem to install this plugin from Neutron:

Its install correctly on UE 5.03 but on UE 5.03 for Aximmetry   give me code error:

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool:    Creating library ..\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UnrealGame\Development\Core\UnrealGame-Core.lib and object ..\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UnrealGame\Development\Core\UnrealGame-Core.exp

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: [4/6] Link UnrealGame-NeuronRetargeting.dll

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool:    Creating library ..\Plugins\Marketplace\NeuronRetargeting_UE501_1.0.01\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UnrealGame\Development\NeuronRetargeting\UnrealGame-NeuronRetargeting.suppressed.lib and object ..\Plugins\Marketplace\NeuronRetargeting_UE501_1.0.01\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UnrealGame\Development\NeuronRetargeting\UnrealGame-NeuronRetargeting.suppressed.exp

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: AnimNode_FSC.gen.cpp.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __cdecl FAnimationNode_FSC::FAnimationNode_FSC(void)" (??0FAnimationNode_FSC@@QEAA@XZ) referenced in function "public: virtual void __cdecl UScriptStruct::TCppStructOps<struct FAnimationNode_FSC>::Construct(void *)" (?Construct@?$TCppStructOps@UFAnimationNode_FSC@@@UScriptStruct@@UEAAXPEAX@Z)

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: AnimNode_FSC.gen.cpp.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __cdecl FAnimationNode_FSC::GatherDebugData(struct FNodeDebugData &)" (?GatherDebugData@FAnimationNode_FSC@@UEAAXAEAUFNodeDebugData@@@Z)

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: AnimNode_FSC.gen.cpp.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __cdecl FAnimationNode_FSC::EvaluateSkeletalControl_AnyThread(struct FComponentSpacePoseContext &,class TArray<struct FBoneTransform,class TSizedDefaultAllocator<32> > &)" (?EvaluateSkeletalControl_AnyThread@FAnimationNode_FSC@@UEAAXAEAUFComponentSpacePoseContext@@AEAV?$TArray@UFBoneTransform@@V?$TSizedDefaultAllocator@$0CA@@@@@@Z)

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: AnimNode_FSC.gen.cpp.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual bool __cdecl FAnimationNode_FSC::IsValidToEvaluate(class USkeleton const *,struct FBoneContainer const &)" (?IsValidToEvaluate@FAnimationNode_FSC@@UEAA_NPEBVUSkeleton@@AEBUFBoneContainer@@@Z)

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: AnimNode_FSC.gen.cpp.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: virtual void __cdecl FAnimationNode_FSC::InitializeBoneReferences(struct FBoneContainer const &)" (?InitializeBoneReferences@FAnimationNode_FSC@@EEAAXAEBUFBoneContainer@@@Z)

LogAximmetry: Display: UnrealBuildTool: ..\Plugins\Marketplace\NeuronRetargeting_UE501_1.0.01\Binaries\Win64\UnrealGame-NeuronRetargeting.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 5 unresolved externals

LogAximmetry: Error: Could not build NeuronRetargeting. This plugin will not be installed. (UnrealBuildTool exited with 6.) 

HOW TO FIX that ?

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Hi Charlie,

Note that the NeuronRetargetingUE is not related to Perception Neuron mocap. It is a plugin for Noitom mocap.

Sadly, there is no way to fix the NeuronRetargetingUE plugin as it doesn't include the actual source code (not even the source code package) and it is not a Marketplace plugin.
You may want to search for an alternative (plugin) or ask the creator of the plugin for the full source code.

Warmest regards,

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Perception Neuron is now also supported inside the latest Aximmetry Composer (2023.1.0):

The full changelog of Aximmetry version 2023.1.0: 

Warmest regards,
