No audio for NDI Inputs & Cant Keep Latency Error



I have two NDI inputs coming into Axi from two Vmix machines. My whole setup (Including axi, vmix1, vmix2, camera input) is running 1080p50. Im facing two issues

1. Cant keep latency error

2. Audio comes in for a few seconds and disappears.

I've read through most of the other posts and even tried adjusting the into out latency settings to 30.

I tested vmix1 and vmix 2 NDI outputs with NDI Monitor software on other computers and it works perfectly fine.

Anyone knows a solution for this?



   The Events Club

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That message is displayed when Aximmetry doesn’t receive a steady frame rate. Make sure tour Aximmetry and vMix arenuskng the exakt same frame rate. If that doesn’t help, you most likely have a network performance issue. You can just disable the error message by changing to Display Last Frame, and if your frame loss is minor you probably won’t notice it.

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The Events Club


thanks for the reply! Both aximmetry and vmix are running on 1080p50. I've already disabled the error message to display last frame as well, but the problem is the frame loss it too big the video keeps stuttering. 

Any idea why the audio is coming in for a few seconds and disappear ?

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Can you tell us a bit more about your setup? Does vMix share NDI through the local network? Is the local network stable? Does any of the hardware use Wifi?
Does the audio disappear for other software on the computer that uses Aximmetry? (You can use NDI Tools to monitor it)

You sure you have the matching frame rate and resolution set in Preferences:

Warmest regards,
