Dear Community,
I´ve been testing a setup with 2 different tracked cameras in Aximmetry but I´ve got a problem.
In the AntiLatency software you can set up the trackers position (placement) only once, which affects the position of both trackers simmutanialsy. My idea was, to set the placement in Antilatency as default and then correct the position of the 2 trackers in correlation of the sensor in Aximmetry under Origin 1/2 Delta Cam Transf or Delta Head Transf. Even if I use the same placement as I used in Anti Latency (Placement description) the results vary.
Can I setup up two different placements in AL? or can you actually use two different Cameras? Any advice or is there a Setup up explanation for this case? Any tips are highly appreciated!
In the AntilatencyService do not select any special Placement, choose "Identity".
You don't need different placements, Aximmetry will be doing the placement calculations for you.
In the Origin, you should change the Delta Head Transf and set it to a value that is the translation vector between your Camera's image sensor and the Antilatency tracker. And you don't need to change anything in the Delta Cam Transf with Antilatency.
Also, you might want to use the Aximmetry Camera Calibrator:
Warmest regards,