Screen Space Reflection


How to do Screen Space Reflection in aximmetry?

I mean something like this

I need to use this with some walls objects

   ahmed ahmed

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There are certain limitations to Screen Space Reflection. It is also easily replaceable by other reflection types. Due to this reason we decided not to implement it in Aximmetry. Fortunately there are much better looking options that you can achieve by using Planar Reflection or Environmental Reflection. These are both available and ready to use in Aximmetry.

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ahmed ahmed

do you mean by Planar Reflection option using mirror _* shaders?

what about Environmental Reflection way? how to do such reflection?

I mean realtime 3d scene reflection  on object in same scene. 

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Planar:  yes we mean using Mirror shaders.

Env: for realtime envmap generation you can use
Connect it into the scene and place it anywhere. It will continuously produce an environment cubemap that can be wired into a Refl* shader.
Please note that this is an expensive tool regarding to the GPU load, so use it only if absolutely necessary.
