GPU overload!!



I just designed a very simple scene and turned on ray tracing features in unreal editor after cooking i tried to open the scene in Aximmetry composer it is showing like GPU usage above 215% and CPU around 75% terrible frame and rate drop is there I tried using DLSS but still the FPS is below 20 and lagging but if i try to open with ray tracing mode disabled GPU usage is below 20% for 4K 25p CPU usage is below 20%. Please tell me what i should do I'm using RTX 3080Ti GPU and i7 3.6 ghz processor and I didn't assign any Input and output devices still it is overloading.

Thank you.


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You can’t just “turn on” ray tracing and expect good performance. It’s a very complex and GPU heavy rendering method that requires careful optimization on a per object, material light basis. I’m successfully using raytracing in some quite heavy scenes, after optimizing how and for what it is used for. For example, it can actually be more efficient to use ray traced reflections for very glossy surfaces than planar reflections, while using it on surfaces with some roughness will quickly drop frame rates to single digits. In my opinion,  global illumination isn’t worth it in most cases. Baked lighting will perform and look much better. 

This isn’t really an Aximmetry issue, so you can use the general Epic UE4 tutorials and documentation on the subject to better understand how everything fits together.
