Sequencer to keyframe selected camera? EDLs?


Is there a way with sequencer to keyframe which camera should render / is selected at a given point? How?

Also if we have an EDL from a NLE with an edit covering different clips, is there any way to playback that edit in Aximmetry? (with timecode, so kind of like a video sequence but so that it plays across possibly a whole set of clips based on the edit) The EDL would contain the different clips with timecode in and out points.


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Hi Jim,

There is a sequencer module for almost all pin types. This makes it possible to connect the Sequencer module with a Sequencer Integer module and control camera selection. Most Camera compounds have a Playlist Select Cam input pin, which can control the Select Camera once it is enabled in Camera & Render Setup.
Connecting the Sequencer to the Camera compound:

Enabling Playlist Select Cam in Camera & Render Setup board:

Currently, there is no module for directly importing EDL-s as it is mostly a post-production format. But we will consider adding it in future releases.

Warmest regards,

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Hi Eifert,

How can it be setup so that the camera selection through the control panel still works?
while being able to record the camera switch keyframes in a sequencer and also while being able to playback the sequence?
When we connect the sequence integer, the buttons stop working.
We want to record the button presses in a sequence and be able to play it back (also while making additional overwrite changes by pressing the buttons)

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Hi Jim,

One way you could do is to change between the sequencer and the buttons with an additional button inside the Camera Compound. Here I added the Use Sequencer button to switch between the two. The Select Camera pin collector can be found inside the camera compound, but here I separated it within a group compound:

(this will work similarly to the Playlist Select Cam)

Another way is to change between the sequencer and the buttons when their values change. So when you press the Cam button, the Delta module detects that its value changed and the Switch Integer starts to use those values, the same can be done with the Sequencer's value. Here is the example of this:

Of course, you might want a different logic, or a mixture of this two.

I put the Select Camera into a group compound to make the examples above clear:

Warmest regards,

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Hi Jim,

I am so sorry. Actually, there is already a functionality in most cameras that can do what I said in my second post with the If logic.
This functionality also makes it easier to connect the Sequencer to the camera. So I corrected and updated my first post.

Warmest regards,

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Was there any new progress on EDL import with a selection of recorded clips?

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Hi Jim,

You can not yet import EDLs. However, a playlist feature has been added recently which you can think of as a step towards that.

Warmest regards,
