User Master TC causes video recorder to finish after single frame - BUG?


When recording a video from sequencer and "Use Master TC" is turned on in the Video Recorder node, the video file seems to get finished after one frame instead of recording all frames in a single file. Each frame becomes a separate MOV. This happens when connecting the free camera position/rotation as tracks into the sequencer. When those tracks get disconnected, it works and renders the video.

How can this get fixed? So we get a single video with the correct timecode from the master clip?

[VideoFrameRecorderThread] Creating video file ""

[VideoFrameRecorderThread] Finishing video file ""

If we turn Use Master TC off, it works and renders the video but then we are missing the timecode!


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Fixed in the latest update.

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This issue occurs in the latest release actually….

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The latest update was released just a couple of days ago. This is from the release notes: 

  • Fixed that Video Recorder only recorded the first frame if was used in a non-realtime mode and Use Master TC was selected.
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Yes I understand but this issue is with the latest release. We tried it.

if you hook up the pins as described to the sequencer (from the free camera), it doesn’t work. The recorder files get messed up.
