How to Update the Camera Parameter from External Application?


Hi Everyone,

Is it possible to update the Camera Parameter from external application? Maybe update the transformation of A and B in CAMERA 1 PATH(1)...

 Maybe via http? I have read the document below, but still I don't have a clue how to achieve that.

Thanks very much!

   David Hao

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Hi David,

Yes, you should be able to control those buttons with the HTTP method.

This website may help you to parse such commands:

You can try those commands out with software like Where for example you would send the following ASCII:
POST /AximmetryComposer HTTP/1.1\nHost: localhost\nContent-Type: application/xml\nAccept: application/xml\nContent-Length: 115\n\n<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n<action type="ComposerSetPinValueAction" Module="Root" Pin="In" Value="6" />
(using localhost as TCP adress if you are trying it out on the same computer)

Feel free to reply where you get stuck with the HTTP method.

Also, can you elaborate a bit on what kind of external application you want to use?

There might be better solutions for you, for example, you can also assign different controllers to the buttons (and to many types of parameters) by right-clicking on them.

Warmest regards,

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David Hao

Thanks, I have found a way to do it.  I have create 2 Transformation variables and use an animation to control the transition.

But I'm still curious about where the Camera A、B information stored for the Camera path? 



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Hi David

The Camera A and B position is stored deep inside the VirtualCam compound, in these two Camera Mover mover modules. (you can save positions within these modules)

Also, since the Aximmetry version 2021.3.2, you can directly connect sequenced positions into the VirtualCam compounds, using Seq input pins:

And setting SEQ in the Camera control board's camera path:

(this might make your whole setup easier)

Warmest regards,
