Different result on livesync and cooked unreal project


I follow the tuturial to make a transition between level. The transition is worked well in live sync but it get difference result on cooked. The cooked transition will pop to black and suddenly load up the next level.


This is the result I captured.


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We think the issue is not related to Aximmetry. It seems like level streaming is set up incorrectly.

Assuming you followed the tutorial, the level loading is started after the trigger is activated in Aximmetry.
This is a problem because loading the level takes some time as it has to load files from the disk into memory.

When the loading of a new level is started the previous level is removed from the scene so you see a black screen until the loading of the new level is completed.
Level streaming happens asynchronously, so the blueprint controlling the effect animation is still running while the level is loading in the background. By the time the level is loaded the effect animation is already completed, so the new level just pops in.

To fix this, all levels that you can switch to must be already completely loaded into memory before the switch happens.
With the level already loaded, you should be able to switch to it instantaneously when the transition is triggered.

The reason the blueprint in the tutorial works in Live Link mode is probably that the Unreal Editor automatically preloads the levels to make editing faster.

Warmest regards,

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hi kdorjor,

How did you manage to do the level transition in cooked mode? Thanks

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If you meant how to manage the asynchronous load of level in cooked mode, you simply need to start the async load way before you do the actually level switch, and then you will have a smooth transition.

If you meant level transitions in general, then you can follow the video that Kdorjor followed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpvhrxuoib4

Warmest regards,

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We've noticed that there have been questions and confusion regarding the various level-switching methods available in Unreal, and how these can be effectively utilized with Aximmetry. To address this, we have created a comprehensive document detailing the process of level (or scene map) switching within Unreal Engine.
You can read the document here: https://aximmetry.com/learn/virtual-production-workflow/preparation-of-the-production-environment-phase-i/obtaining-graphics-and-virtual-assets/creating-content-for-aximmetry-de/advanced-information-and-features/switching-scenes-with-levels  

Warmest regards,
