Hello All
I have been working on making a studio for an upcoming broadcast. As I have been working and tweaking different settings I have noticed that the only way I am able to get reflections from my billboard, as well as the screens in the space, is if I use Screenspace reflections. I have tried with Raytraced reflections, as well as planar reflections I am never able to get the proper reflections on the desk.
Raytraced Settings and Screenshot
Screenspace Reflections
I have been able to minimize the artifacts from using screenspace reflections but was just curious as to why this is happening and how to avoid this issue in the future. Let me know if you need any more details
Have you made the required settings to the UE4 project (custom depth stencil pass, etc)?
There is also a setting in the Aximmetry Camera where you need to select using ray traced reflections. I would still recommend planar reflections though.