Hi everyone,
i ask for help because i am not able to run a multi machine set up with cooked content (content for ue4), i can only run the project if is setted via the Live Sync method and this causes a lot of load on the machines because i have to run the scene in ue4 and on top even aximmetry and i don't want that. Basically i create a new compound and in it i add the uproject, then if i set it to cooked method the project runs on the master pc smoothly but the pc dependent tells me via the command line of aximmetry that cannot load the cooked version and that i have to try to cooking it with the ue4 for aximmetry, the problem is that i have already cooked it and i use the same project, and this happends even if i set the path file equal to the one used by the "master" pc, (cause i have shared that folder between pc's). So if there is someone that could help me it would be great thanks
Are you sure you have the exact same version installed on both machines? Can you open the project in Aximmetry directly on the slave machine?