Accessing a Module Input/output deep within a compound without exposing multiple levels.


Is there a way to access a certain input/output of any node module deep within the nested compound hierarchy, without exposing it multiple times throughout the nested compound? I was thinking maybe using a pin collector would work but I'm trying to figure out how to access the pin,  via a script maybe?


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ahmed ahmed
You can use aximmetry Transmit modules for doing such a thing
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Oh! so sexy thanks!
Btw is there a documentation for all of the modules? I cant access the old Aximmetry documentation since they updated the site.

Edit: Okay I just found the tutorial Section, is like there documentation for the list of modules?
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ahmed ahmed

Simply, you need to have 2 transmit matching type modules like transmit video or transmit text.

Then in first one you enter the name of tunnel from (Into tunnel) option than in the second  one you select the name of your tunnel from (From tunnel) option.

Then you can make the connection as normally you do with other modules, for example
