Cryptomatte support for Unreal Scene?


Is there a way to output a cryptomatte from the Unreal Scene?
How would we set this up?
(Given UE 4.26 supports Cryptomatte - see e.g. here:


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Hi Jim,

Yes, Movie Render Queue and Cryptomatte should be working with Aximmetry, if you are using Live Sync (Live Link) mode instead of Cooked (Embedded):

Note, that both Movie Render Queue and Cryptomatte are in Unreal Beta.

Warmest regards

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Is there a way to send the Cryptomatte back to Aximmetry, how would we need to set that up?

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Hi Jim,

To my understanding, Cryptomatte is not designed for real-time use.
It is saved out by Movie Render Queue into EXR files that need special software to open it.

Can you elaborate bit on what is it needed for?

Warmest regards

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We want to pass the cryptomatte to Aximmetry, we are using Aximmetry to render sequences so if we can get the render pass from Unreal into Aximmetry then we can render it as one of our sequences.

how can we accomplish that? We need couple of different passes.
