Why is the material of the billboard made of glass ?!


you can see in the pictures, when i enabled the bilboard its a glass like material an And that's ruining the scene

   david libraty

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ahmed ahmed

I suggest that you check of you have correct connection between your UEpoject and aximmetry virtual cam compound

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david libraty

yes the connection is okey

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david libraty


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It’s hard to tell what is going wrong without more information. What are you sending to the video input for the Billboard? It’s not a common issue, so I’m pretty sure it’s something that you’ve missed in your setup.

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david libraty

this is the screenshot

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Hi David,

B Mask is not connected on your picture:

However, this shouldn't be the cause of your problem.

Are you using Allow Virtuals or Use Billboards in Inputs->Scene: https://aximmetry.com/learn/tutorials/for-aximmetry-de-users/using-tracked-cameras-and-augmented-reality-with-an-unreal-scene/#aximmetry-setup

Which billboard is causing the problem?

Is your greenscreen properly keyed, so that the B texture video pin going from the Camera to the Unreal project has no alpha other than the actor?

Warmest regards,

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To me It looks like your greenscreen Isn't properly keyed, I recommend you take a look in your keyer settings inside the compound.

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david libraty

Ok guys, thank you so much to everyone who tried to help, but no one was close, thank God I found the problem, Transparent Ray Tracing, when I turned off the push of a button, everything worked out! Thanks anyway everyone!

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Yes the material that the billboard uses currently uses Translucent shading model which does 'act like glass'. I've been experimenting with other shading models including Masked with success. I haven't finished looking into all of the options but that's the initial reason why the raytraced settings are making it glass-like and how that may affect the rest of your scene to have the option disabled is up to you.

Matt Hermans

Electric Lens Co.

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@Renbry: Don’t use masked material! It’s a binary mask, so you won’t get any soft edges or fine hair details. It will make the key look really bad.
