I can't get the dlss to work with ue4 4.26.2i entered the dsll folder as aximmetry describes but it doesn't work


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Hello Marco,

you need to make sure to install the version of Unreal Engine that matches the version of Unreal Editor for Aximmetry. To find out which version you need, launch Unreal Editor for Aximmetry and click Help / About Unreal Editor. Only the first two components of the version number are relevant which looks like 4.26.

With the current release of Aximmery, we are using this Version of UE: 4.26.1-0+++UE4+Release-4.26

So, please do a reinstall and use the 4.26.1 version and it should work properly.

Here is a full guide on installing third party plugins, please follow the Prerequisites part and the NVIDIA DLSS part:


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Ho provato di tutto ho disinstallato ue4 e la cartella marketplace non e piu nella cartella epic, ho creato una cartella marketplace nella directory come mi hai indicato e ho inserito la cartella dlss, in ogni caso quando lancio un progetto con "unreal editor for aximmetry" mi chiede di installare il plugin

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Hi Marco,

Do you click on the Install Plugins in "unreal editor for aximmetry" once you copied the plugin?

If yes, can you write down or copy what does Unreal's output log write out:

Warmest regards
