Error when update to new version 2021.3.1


I have just encounter error in new version. Everytime i cooked project in Unreal and back to Aximmetry, i got this error . "Cannot terminate running Unreal plugin process: "UE4.exe" (PID: 12308). Please restart your computer then reopen your compound."

Is it a bug or error from my project ? 


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Encountered the same problem, reinstalling a new computer can not follow the plug-in, very distressed, can only copy the plug-ins installed on other computers.

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For quangthainguyen:

UE4.exe is a child process of Aximmetry and it will run if you have an uproject loaded in Aximmetry . Aximmetry will try to kill it if it doesn't respond. (which seems to be the case in your machine when you cook) Can you please check if you can manually kill this process? (ue4.exe) Using a task manager for example. Aximmetry will not like if you kill it manually, but for a quick test it is ok.

Do you use more memory then you have? You can quickly run out of memory if you have a very heavy unreal scene. (especially if opened in Aximmetry and Unreal Editor) This can cause unresponsiveness in the system up to the point where even the OS will struggle killing a process.

(64Gb is recommended for working with Unreal, 32Gb can be ok, 16Gb generally is not enough)

For liuyu0616:

I think this is a different issue. Have you tried 2021.3.1? If yes can you please tell us what you see? (error log, screenshot etc)

Best Regards

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i have tried your method. It's strange when i open Unreal for aximmetry, in task manager - > detail, it show UE4Editor.exe and ue4.exe, but after i cooked project ue4.exe disapear and Aximmetry show error. My rig is 64 GB ram , and my video card is RTX 2080. 

Thank you for your reply. 

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If ue4.exe disappear  then it means that Aximmetry was able to close this process. However it seems it could not detect it correctly (in your machine).

After you get the upper mentioned error message: can you please try to stop and play the compound (without restarting Aximmetry).

What do you see? Is is running correctly or do you have the same error message a second time?

Also: Antivirus programs can mess-up the (Windows) processes. If you have any: can you please try to disable it completely for a short period and do the test again?

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After i get the upper mentioned error message: i have tried try to stop and play the compound and it worked like normal with out error message.

Also i have disable windows antivirus. But still get error.....

Thanks for your reply

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Although we can't be sure, but we have an idea what can cause this. We will try to fix it in the next version.
In the meanwhile you can use this workaround. (stop and play)

It would help us greatly if you could do one more test for us. Can you please check if you see similar error with a relatively simple unreal scene?

Best Regards
