3D Mash Deformation


Hi , I'm trying to deal with this problem. I have a DAE file with animation. The animation itself and the 3D model work fine, until I connect a sequencer to control the animation of the object itself. For example, to change the position in the scene. Rig, Bones and Animation comes from Autodesk Maya. I have this problem only with dae. Is there any way to fix this issue? Thank you.

   Stepan Kuczman

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Can you please tell what the problem itself is? (What do you see? What would you expect instead?)

Best Regards

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Stepan Kuczman


The problem is obvious. see picture above . When I move the model, in this case the shark. The model is deforming. Of course, I wouldn't expect that to happen. Is there any documentation how to work with models that contain bones,IK rig etc. ?

Thank you

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Sorry. At first glance it seemed that the left side peak was the tail of the fish, but it is actually a corrupt vertex.

Your sequencer at the left bottom in your screenshot only controls the root transform of your model. It doesn't have control over any bones, so we think it's not the source of your problem.
There is a sequencer in your model compound (The compound which is automatically generated once you add the model and which you can enter by double-clicking on it) that controls the model's animations and hence also controls the bones.

We think it might be a model export problem of your 3D modeling software. It is not always simple to export DAE models correctly.
You may want to check if your animation is correct by 3rd party software like Blender. If it is, please reply for further support.

Best Regards
