Using Unreal Remote 2 + LiveLink as camera tracker.


Hello! I'm using Broadcast DE version of Aximmetry, in unreal project add a LiveLink component to Aximmetry Virtal camera, set the camera transform to be taken not from aximmetry, but from this component. 

And it's work perfectly fine in unreal editor! But when i coock a project and try it in aximmetry i'm not recieving any input from UnrealRemote, BUT! it's connected to live link and i even see a sceen in app, but there is no movement, no data about transform. 

In another project i use livelink and livelink face app and all works perfectly fine! 


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Are you try to use your mobile as a tracking device?

(We can't yet handle that, but everything else we highly suggest you to connect your tracking device to Aximmetry directly)

Unfortunately what you wrote can't work in the current version (2021.3.1), because there is missing component.

However we have a Beta version that contains this feature. If you are interested in testing it then please write to

Best Regards

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We tested your setup in Cooked mode with the Beta version of Aximmetry and it works fine.
Please contact if you are interested in trying the Beta or you can wait for the next release.
You have to do some additional steps to make Live Link work in Cooked mode:
1. Set up the project to work in Live Sync mode and start from there.
2. Save the Live Link settings as a preset: Live Link / Presets / Save As Preset.
3. In the Project Settings / Plugins / Live Link / Live Link menu set the Default Live Link Preset to the preset you saved in step 2.
4. Cook the project.
5. Load the project in Aximmetry and start it in Cooked mode.
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Proofix Live

Thank you for response.

Yes, i was trying to use my phone as a tracking device. I have no idea on how to get data from the phone to Axy, so i improvised)

Later i try to use some Steam technology with android phone ( OpenVR/SteamVR ) and get some result! But the tracking data was unconsistant, jerks and drops. Was fun to try, when no other solution to acces but not good enough to even make some preprod tests. 

Will try livelink in next release!
