Is there Occlusion For AR objects? and How do I scale my scene?


Is there a way to have my onscreen talent or other real world object block my AR objects in Aximmetry DE?  How could I place some objects behind the talent and some in front? I also don't understand how to properly scale my virtual scene from unreal in aximmetry.  I used the scene panel but it seemed like raising the value of the scale actually makes the AR unreal objects smaller.   

Note: Using NCAM tracking system


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How would Aximmetry be able to mask out specific objects from the background of a 2D video input (to place AR objects behind them)? Although there’s been some progress in AI objects segmentation lately, it’s not anywhere near real-time yet at a useable quality. Rotoscoping is still manual labor done frame by frame…

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  -  it is not out of the realm of possibility.  look at about 4 and a half minutes into this video.  

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What is shown in the video is a completely different thing than I was talking about! It is shot on a green screen and the presenter is wearing a tracker to give the rendering engine his position in 3D space. This is possible in Aximmetry as well using the Billboard tracking feature. 

For AR projects there is no green screen, so there is no way to separate out real world objects from the background in a 2D video to render AR objects behind them. Hope that makes sense?

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It does! Thanks! Any tips on scaling the scene? 

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Generally we don't recommend the scale the scene, because it has a lot of issue. For example if you change your scale then you have to relight the scene. (because the amount of light change squared)

However you can use the Scale value of the Base Cam Transform of the Scene box. It is in inverse so you can think you change the scale of the real world.

Best Regards
