(Dual Follow Focus + Dual Vive Tracker) (Track Lens Focus and Zoom with Vive in UE4)
Above link is some example to track lens focus and zoom with vive in unreal. Is it also work in aximmetry?
I look for the module to operate (e.g. Add, subtract, multply & divide) the game pose (tracking data) but I don't know how.
Yes, with Aximmetry you can use vive tracker devices for camera tracking, although for your specific case we do not have an out of the box working solution. Our Camera Tracking module can be used to access the raw data of the tracking system: the Camera Transform pin contains the transformation of the tracking device. Transformations represent position, orientation (and scale) data, all of which can be individually accessed with the Transformation Decompose module if necessary.
There are a lot of operations that you can do on a Transformation. For example: You can use the Transformation Concat module to chain transformations together and the Transformation Invert module, to get the inverted (reversed) transformation.
You can also use Translation, Rotation and Scale modules to create simple transformations (or adjust existing ones).
If you would like to get the relative transformation of a tracker to another e, you can use the following setup: