Is it possible for the active camera to follow animation of objects? In my current project, we have a stage that needs to traverse up and down between floors. And as the stage moves, the camera needs to move along too, as if it's placed on the stage. I'm curious how we can achieve this?
If we use sequencer to animate the Z location of the stage, is there a way to use that animation curve to drive active camera location as well?
Any advise appreciate.
I assume your scene was made with Unreal and you are using VirtualCam. There are several way to do it, although neither of the solutions is perfect.
Probably the easiest way is to animate the camera in the CAMERAS control board. (since it is a simple linear motion)
When you trigger the movement of the elevator you can trigger the camera animation with the Restart Cam input of the VirtualCam.
(You also have to set the proper Playlist Select Cam and Playlist Cam 1 Path parameters.)
One other way to do it is to expose the elevator's transformation into Aximmetry and animate it in Aximmetry. This will give you a little bit better control. For example in this case you can use the Cam Transform output of the VirtualCam to set the height of the elevator precisely where the camera is.
It is backward compared to what you wrote, but in practice the only goal is for both of them have the same path.
To make a complete custom animation for the Aximmetry camera needs a bigger involvement since to do that you would need to open and edit VirtualCam that has it's own issue. (mainly: your edited VirtualCam will not be automatically update with the a new Aximmetry version)
Best Regards