I have the following grouped compound
I get an action (which is a number), which in order selects the starting marker.
The ending marker is +1 (But could have another switch module if it was not the case)
The way I found to trigger an action, I tried many things which did not work, was to check the marker I am halted at and if it is different to trigger the action.
The delay was put there because the first time it will not trigger, some racing condition, so that one solved it.
Now to the questions part
The buttons are #,up,down,front,back.
1) How can I set the selected button on load? (for example I want down to be pressed when loaded).
2) I want to make the animation generic. For example front back, will just change the z coordinate from Z1 to Z2. Can the values in the sequencer be variables? This will reuse the same animation instead of creating the same one again and again.
3) I want to treat compounds as functions. So depending on an integer values (1,2,3...etc), use a different set of inputs. How can I do that? Say.. If value is 1 then run that compound with that group of pin values... etc
4) In the above example with the buttons #up,down,front, back I tried to get a trigger action, to trigger play and jump events in the sequencer, but it was not possible. At least I was not able to find the solution.
Sorry if those questions are fundamental. I have just started working and exploring Aximmetry.
1) When you save the compound, the selected option will be saved as well. So the solution is simply to save while the down button is pressed.
2) While the sequencer track's key frames can not be parameterized, it is possible to create something similar to what you want:The output of a sequenced track (for example Sequence Vector) can be used as the input of any number of other modules (with the same input pin type).
This allows you to use other modules between the sequenced track and the animation, that modify the output of a sequenced track without modifying the key frames of the track itself (see in the example below).
If you do this, it would be easier for you to use simple tracks (like Sequence Vector) and use the output to create a transformation (with Transformation Compose) that can be a parameter to a Scene Node.
In your example, if you have a track output values between 0 and 1, you can use a Lerp module (for linear interpolation) to move it into the range of Z1 and Z2.
3) Linked compounds work like functions: all the instances will call the original compound and use that to get the result. If you would like to create different interfaces for the same linked compound, I would recommend creating wrapper compounds/groups, that only expose the required pins.
4) When the sequencer gets to the marker given in Halt at Marker, it will stop advancing time automatically, so binding the Halted output to the Pause input is unnecessary.For further information on linked compounds see: https://my.aximmetry.com/post/295-how-to-make-instances-for-nodes
When the Halt at Marker value changes, the sequencer will continue playing until it reaches the new value, so there is no need for triggering Play when triggering Jump (but make sure you press Play at least once).
I made an example for jumping to a marker and playing to the next one, that should be working properly (see it below). I hope it helps clearing any confusion.
As a side note: If none of the sequenced tracks' output is used, the Sequencer may behave unexpectedly during your testing, so make sure you use the value somewhere.