Crash Studio DE 2021.2.2


This bug is constantly showing up in Studio DE 2021.2.2 build 19325:

[LogThreadingWindows] Runnable thread RenderThread 2 crashed.

[LogWindows] Fatal error: [File:E:\Build2\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\HAL\MallocBinned2.cpp] [Line: 160] 

[LogWindows] MallocBinned2 Corruption Canary was 0x3941, should be 0x17ea

[LogWindows] Crash in runnable thread RenderThread 2

A fatal error occurred with Unreal Engine. Please save and reopen your compound

Someone could give me a hint, to solve it.


Thank you.


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Hello, in this case, we recommend deleting the AppData and program files and removing the folder from the registry. Reinstall both Aximmetry and Unreal editor for Aximmetry. If this issue still persists please send us the dump file at

You can send us the dump file before doing these steps anyways so that we can analyze the cause of the issue.
