Random Loading Loop causes Aximmetry to crash



since Aximmetry 2021.2 I’m experiencing loading loops on a regular basis. The problem is, that these are no real crashes, that are being recognized by Aximmetry so no dump file will be created.

I don’t know why it happens, because it happens randomly.

Usually, when an Unreal Project has finished cooking, Aximmetry automatically reloads the Unreal Project in Aximmetry. The processor load window usually then shows “Loading...“ with a blue blinking progress bar. 

When the loop occurs, the processor load window also displays “Loading…” and a blue blinking progress bar, but with the difference, that there was no Unreal Project that has been newly cooked. It just happens randomly.

The problem is, that all outputs then freeze. The gui of Aximmetry is still interactive at this point, at least for hovering and clicking through menus. But when you try to close Aximmetry and press close, or the little “x” in the top right corner, Aximmetry completely freezes and it needs to be shut down via the Task Manager.

Because this happens randomly, it’s quite a big loss of trust for live productions.

More Information: The hardware is not at its limits. There is still 30% of GPU Usage as well as 45% of CPU usage left. For me, this is even happening on two completely different machines.

I’m open to give you any information you want to solve this problem.

Kind regards,



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Hi Dennis,

In this case please use the Help / Emergency Dump And Exit menu item.  This makes easier to quit the frozen app, and also you can create a dump file. Please send it to us.  Thank you and sorry for your inconvinience.

Also could you please describe what kind of inputs and outputs do you use?

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Hi Zoltan,

I was using three SDI Video Inputs and one SDI Video Output via a Blackmagic Decklink Card. Two Inputs were used to be keyed, while one Input was used to act was a video texture in unreal. I also received tracking information for the two keyed cameras via HTC Vive Trackers.

Last week I have already sent you two dump files, which I created by emergency exit out of Aximmetry. However, when Aximmetry crashed on me the last time, I was creating a 7z-File of the project folder of the unreal project. 7-Zip then actually gave me an error, saying that another program is using the unreal project file, while Aximmetry got into the loading loop.

I hope this information can be helpful for you.

Feel free to ask if you have any other questions.


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There is a chance that the issue it is linked to the handling of Blackmagic output.

Firstly please make sure you're using the latest Blackmagic driver.

If it does not help please install the latest version (2020.3.0) of Aximmetry, and try using it with the /nowaitvblank command line parameter.   (Right-click the Composer icon and add this parameter to the Target line, then start Composer with this icon.)

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Hi Zoltan, 

so far I haven't had any crashes anymore with the command line parameter on version 2020.3.0. Has this fix now natively been implemented into the 2020.3.1 version of Aximmetry or do I still need to add the /nowaitvblank command line parameter when running on version 2020.3.1?

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Hi Dennis,

We didn't implement a fix for it yet, you should try the latest Blackmagic driver, which may help to fix it. If it's still happening, you will have to use the /nowaitvblank even with the latest version of Aximmetry.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Warmest regards,
