We're using the stage prd dmx control unreal engine virtual set integrated with Aximmetry assets and getting poor performance.
The processor load within Aximmetry is almost all in red:
- GPU: 109%
- CPU: 106%
- FPS: 14.9
- VMem: 15%
Overall PC specs:
- CPU: 28% (4.49 GHz)
- Memory: 17/128 GB (13%)
Can you suggest any fixes for this?
Thank you!
The system CPU usage percentage only shows the total CPU usage. Aximmetry and UE4 doesn’t split the load evenly across all cores, so in this case you’re probably overloading a single core.
What resolution are you running the project at? You can change what resolution UE4 is rendering at indepently of your Aximmetry project settings by changing the 0.0 values in the UE4 module to a resolution that works without overloading the CPU/GPU.