Affecting the talent with studio lights for example light color and intensity?


How to Affect the talent with studio lights for example light color and intensity using aximmetry software?

   ahmed ahmed


First of all the Affected Object pin of the lights in question has to be connected to the root RENDER node:

Lights that connected to a Scene Node within the studio model will not affect billboards at all, because all lights only affect the node they are connected to and all of its children.  (Please note that by "connected" we mean the brown wire that connects the Affecting Lights and the Affected Object pins together. Do not confuse it with the Parent - Children connection which only affects the position of the light.)

Secondly you have to adjust the Luminosity property of the billboard. If it's 0 the billboard only has its own brightness and is not affected by the lights. If it's 1 it means the billboard do not have any own emission and only the lights determine its brightness.
Usually you will want to use a value between these.


Please watch this on the topic: