Virtual Screen and passing transformation


Hi, we´ve a working project with virtual screen and wed like to add passing transformation object. We're not able to make same things in the Level blueprint. We tried with two "Event Tick" same "vent tick for both, but nothing. TV screens are working fine but can not move object in aximmetry.

Thank´s in advance



Below is how I manage moving things in Unreal from Aximmetry:

This node will show up as a transformation input pin on the Unreal Project module in Aximmetry. You can connect any transformation you want. However if you want to can control this transformation from Aximmetry in Edit mode, you can use a Scene Node:

  • Insert a Scene Node in your Aximmetry compound
  • Connect its World Transf output to the Unreal Project module (it is hidden by default - click the button in the upper right corner of the node to reveal it)
  • Enable Edit mode by choosing an output in the Edit / Edit Scene On menu (make sure the Preview output of the virtual cam module is connected to this output)
  • Select the Scene Node in the compound
  • You can move / rotate / scale the transform by using the handles in the output viewport

Thanks Rickwhy, now is working fine. I'm trying to add sequencer to make appear and disappear objects but only works with position, not with scale. Do you know any other way to proceed ?


Hi Kikoso,
Instead of Scene Node use Sequence Node module. It can be directly connected to a Sequencer for Position, Rotation and Scale as well.
Please check this video on creating animation in this way: 


Now is working fine

