Tracking causing instability .


@Eiffert:  I am using Broadcast DE 2023.3.0 in a  Tracked Cam project. My tracking is coming from a RealSense T265 camera.  Sometimes my picture quality gets degraded. The  virtual set image is OK, however the image of my talent  keeps flickering, sometimes disappearing. If I switch off the tracking, the image is stable, so I assume the issue is related to the tracking.   I tried making adjustments to the Tracking Dejitter Pos Threshold   but that didn't  help. How can I fix.  




Show a video of the issue or it’s impossible to know what’s going on. Tracking doesn’t affect image quality and Aximmetry can’t affect tracking data accuracy. Note that the T265 is known for jittery, drifting tracking data and isn’t suitable for professional production. 



Also, The Tracking Dejitter should only be used if you want to eliminate the tracking jitter when the camera is stationary. It locks the tracking data to one fixed position when you stop moving the camera. It can not remove the jitter while you are moving the camera.

As TwentyStudios suggested, a video would be very helpful. You can easily record a video by using the Video Recorder module in the Flow Editor.

Warmest regards,


I am getting the same issue not only with Realsense T265 but also a Move 4K  camera, with Visca tracking

Please see link to video below

Is there a way of posting a file in this forum. 



On this forum, you can only post images and GIFs. Typically, users upload videos to Google Drive and share the link, but using YouTube with a private setting works just as well.

I haven't seen such video blinking as in your video. It might be an issue with interlacing, where some settings are interlaced while others are not, or vice versa.

I suggest creating a new compound in Aximmetry and testing the video input with a Video Input module. Try the AUTO Mode by clicking on the three dots.:

If that doesn’t resolve the issue, try to set the Mode settings to match those of your camera exactly, instead of AUTO.

Warmest regards,



I tried a new compound, but that's not the issue . The  video is  stable  when I look on the output pin. The instability only occurs when  the tracking is active , whether the camera is stationary or  moving.  I think it is  definitely  tracking  related, but I cant find the source.


@Eiffert: I found the issue. It turns out that it is not the video settings , neither is it the tracking.  The issue seems to be the virtual set. The problem comes up in bright portions of the set, like the video monitor frame.  Please see video bellow:




I think, it might be that the Billboard is behind the your virtual studio's wall when it starts flickering.
Does it work when Use Billboards turned on and Allow Virtuals is turned off?
Tracking causing instability .

If it is correct what I said, the Billboard should be hidden there with the above settings.
You can address this issue when Allow Virtuals is enabled by turning on Render CustomDepth Pass for the walls. as described here:

If that doesn't work, I recommend testing the setup in Live Sync mode. You can learn more about Live Sync here:
While running in Live Sync, you can try deleting objects that are located behind the billboard to identify which object is causing the flickering. Note that changes you make during the Play mode of the Unreal Editor, specifically in the Outliner (Map) panel, will not be saved. This means you can safely delete objects within the Outliner panel, and they will be restored once you stop Play mode.

Warmest regards,
