[Feature Request] 'Save This' Compound


Hey there.

It would be great to have a compound that allows to save the current xcomp.
(Pretty much like Restart Application does, but without the restart :-))

Alternatively an option to assign a controller like OSC to the Ctrl-S hotkey.
This would allow us to save xcomps which have been modified remotely.

Cheers & all the best.




Hi Eric,

Thank you for your feature request regarding a 'Save This' compound in Aximmetry. We have added it to our request list for consideration in future releases.

In the meantime, if you need to save your current xcomp, you can create a PowerShell script to trigger the CTRL + S key press, as follows:

  • Create a PowerShell script file named "PressKey.vbs" and add the following lines:
  • set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  • Create a .bat file named "StartPressKey.bat" with the following lines to start the "PressKey.vbs" file:
  • cd /d %userprofile%/desktop
    start PressKey.vbs
  • In Aximmetry, use the Run Process module to start the StartPressKey.bat file.

We hope this workaround helps you until the feature is implemented.

Warmest regards,


Hey Eifert.

Works like a charme. Thanks!

Cheers & all the best.

