Suggestion for development


There is a feature that if added would be very useful .

which is the ability to repeat any blueprint within the aximmetry .

 meaning if we create a specific Object in Unreal , we can use this Object in aximmetry  and repeat it more than once.

Like adding a plus sign in front of any bin like in Unreal .

Suggestion for development




If I understand correctly, you would like to have this logic as a single node in Unreal. Additionally, you want a "+" sign on it that would add more Trigger pins to Aximmetry and more Execution lines in Unreal:

We added it to our request list and we will consider adding it in future releases.

Warmest regards,


To clarify more,

if I wanted to create a group of players,

Suggestion for development

I would need to duplicate each player in the unreal,

Suggestion for development

but I hope there is a possibility to create one player and duplicate this player through the Aximmetry  with changing the image and text.


like this

Suggestion for development



This would actually require very complex direct editing of Unreal from Aximmetry because it involves the ability to edit any Unreal parameter and create objects at runtime. Although Unreal is not designed for such real-time editing and object creation, we are considering adding similar feature(s) in future releases due to similar requests.

However, you can implement a similar logic relatively easily:
For this, you'll need to use one Actor Blueprint for all graphical elements associated with a player in Unreal and use the Collection pin type in Aximmetry.

First, you need to create an Actor Blueprint:

Suggestion for development

Then open it and add the necessary graphical elements as components:
Suggestion for development

After that, you can add a blueprint logic similar to this:

Copy and paste the above blueprint logic from here:

The above logic allows you to select between three players' data. Based on the selection, it assigns text to a 3D text component and adjusts the position of the Actor Blueprint. The integer variable named "PlayerID" selects from the different player data. This variable's value will be set when the Actor Blueprint is created below. Because of that the variable is set to Instance Editable.

To create the above Actor Blueprint dynamically, use this logic in the Level Blueprint:

Copy and paste the above blueprint logic from here:

This logic creates the Actor Blueprint when the AddPlayer trigger is used in Aximmetry. Then sets the Actor Blueprint's PlayerID variable to the AddPlayerID integer from Aximmetry.
Note that the Level Blueprint also contains every possible node of the collection (the Get Aximmetry nodes inside the Actor Blueprint). This is only necessary if your level starts without a player's Actor Blueprint. If the Actor Blueprint is added to your level, then Aximmetry will be aware of these Get Aximmetry nodes and you don't need to add them to the Level Blueprint.

Inside Aximmetry, you need the following modules to create the Collection data:

The Set SubCollection module's key sets each player's ID, which is also used in the Get Aximmetry nodes in Unreal. For example, the one in this: "Players:0/Text" refers to the Sub Collection's key:
Suggestion for development

Use the AddPlayer trigger pin to add new players and assign their ID based on the AddPlayerID integer pin. Keep in mind that the number of different players you can create is limited to the number of Get Aximmetry nodes predefined in your Unreal Blueprint.
This collection data limitation is expected to be addressed in a future Aximmetry version, allowing for dynamic retrieval in Unreal.

One more thing, each time a new Get Aximmetry node is added to use a collection, you have to update the pin list in Aximmetry, even when no new pin is generated:
Suggestion for development

Warmest regards,
