GPU based Motion Blur


Did aximmetry have GPU based Motion Blur modules?

This can help to add realistic look and feel to animated cameras

   ahmed ahmed


Yes, it's called Motion Blurrer.

You can wire it after a camera output, but you also have to connect the Velocity Map output of the camera which contains the motion information.

ahmed ahmed

How to use motion blurrer with virtualcam-a-b_xxx  compounds ?

also I know that modules with gw word is gpu based on like spotlight gw

Is this correct? 


In Virtual Cam based studios you will find the RENDER node near or next to the Virtual Cam node.
Open the RENDER node, where you will find the Camera node inside.
As shown above, connect the Motion Blur node.
If there is an Antialiaser node, connect the Motion Blur after the Antialiaser.

As for your second question:
All tasks regarding video are processed by the GPU.
The "gw" mark simply means that the implementation of those nodes are based on nVidia recommendation. 

ahmed ahmed

What about velocity map ,How to connect it?Is it required?

Also can I suggest adding this option to Common_Studio /Render_General ?


Yes, it is required.
Connect the Camera node's Velocity Map output to the Motion Blurrer Velocity Map input.

ahmed ahmed

I have done some tests with aximmetry motion blur tools but it seems to me the results is not very realistic especially when using render general with virtualcamera-a-b_xxx  compoundso. 

So are there any suggestions to get good results? 

Also are there any more realistic motion blur tools in aximmetry new release?