Are there any beginner to advance tutorials about aximmetry Shader system?
And do you recommend users to use aximmetry Shader system?
Are there any beginner to advance tutorials about aximmetry Shader system?
And do you recommend users to use aximmetry Shader system?
Sorry, it seems we misunderstood your question.
You're asking about creating your own custom shaders.
Normally users do not have to do that since you have lots of ready made shader combinations for any use cases.
You only need to modify any shader in very specific cases.
In that sense, we do not recommend for beginners to deal with the shader system.
However, for advanced users we have a documentation on the basics:
Regarding materials and shaders we encourage you to watch this tutorial video.
The tutorial explains the basics of working with and creating 3D environments in Aximmetry.
For more advanced tutorials please find more videos relating to this topic on this playlist:
Also read through this pdf for further details:
Also note that Aximmetry only works with its own shader system.