Aximmetry Eye Mobile App

Aximmetry Eye mobile app for iOS beta 1.0 is available on TestFlight:▪️ Streams your mobile’s camera feed into the Aximmetry Virtual Production Platform.▪️ Provides position and direction data for talent, object, or camera tracking. ▪️ Converts your mobile into a real-time preview monitor.


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How can I get the TestFlight test app redemption code?

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Hi BeyondSpace,

First, you need to download the TestFlight app for your iOS device from here:
Once you have installed TestFlight, you can install Aximmetry Eye by clicking on the following invitation link in your iOS device's web browser:

Warmest regards,

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Are there Calibration Profiles for iPhone 15 Pro Max for the Camera Calibrator?

Thanks in advance

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How to obtain a redemption code?

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Hi Quanjingwang,

First, you need to download the TestFlight app for your iOS device from here:
Once you have installed TestFlight, you can install Aximmetry Eye by clicking on the following invitation link in your iOS device's web browser:
Note, that you might need to scroll down to see the Start Testing button:

Warmest regards,

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Hi Lubitel,

Unfortunately, we do not have Calibration Profiles for the iPhone 15 Pro Max at this moment. I suggest creating a new post to ask other users; you reach more people like that.

Warmest regards,

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What Aximmetry version is supported by Aximmetry Eye? Does it work since 2023.3.X? 
I just made a test on 2023.2.2 and it gets "Error: An unexpected error occurred during creating devices in Aximmetry".
There is a lacking information about supported version in documentation.

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Hi Patt,

Unfortunately, Aximmetry Eye does not work with version 2023.2.2.
It is compatible with Aximmetry starting from the 2023.3.x versions.

Warmest regards,

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Hello, I am trying to use Aximmetry eye, I already have it installed on my iPhone, it asks me for an account, I enter the same account that I use on the aximmetry page but I get the message "Invalid credentials"

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Please ensure that there are no hidden spaces after your password or email, and be mindful of your mobile phone's predictive text function mistakenly auto-correcting your input.

Additionally, note that the latest Aximmetry Eye version 1.0(20) is only compatible with the latest version of Aximmetry, 2024.1, and vice versa.

Warmest regards,

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For Patt and anyone encountering the "Error: An unexpected error occurred during creating devices in Aximmetry", a possible fix is to disable the Private Wi-Fi Address feature in iOS for the Wi-Fi network you are using:

If this solves the error, it's possible that your network router or a firewall on your computer has rules in place to quarantine new devices based on their MAC address.

Warmest regards,